I'm going to reference some Biblical principles, but they still hold true even if you're not a Christian, are of another religion, or even if you're an atheist. Some principles are just universal, even if you don't acknowledge the first point (though I'd be remiss to say that committing to the first point makes the other two fall into place more easily). So if we don't shoot for doing what makes us happy, what do we do?
- Do what brings God glory. Do what puts the focus on Him, not on yourself. Do what furthers His kingdom, not your own kingdom. And a big part of it is something we can all agree on no matter religion or outlook, and that's the next point.
- Look out for others. Put others before you. Particularly when it comes to your family. If at work, does it benefit your coworkers and/or the company - or just you? At play, does it benefit your team and teammates - or just you? And at home, does it benefit your family/children - or just you?
- Take care of yourself. Keep yourself in good health. If you're a Christian - strengthen your relationship with God. If you're not - strengthen your understanding of who you are. Make yourself stronger - physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Eat well. Get some exercise. Read a book. Learn something new. If you need counseling - get it. If you have an addiction - give it up. If you need help with that - get it. If you need support - reach out for it. If you don't know what to do - ask someone.

Doing what makes you happy may have gotten you in to this situation. Or maybe it was your spouse doing so. Or perhaps it was both of you. Doing what makes you happy can be that bad. It can be very bad. Keep your priorities in line and it will fall in to place.
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